Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rhetoric That I Find Annoying.

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There is something that I see that particularly annoys me when I read/watch the news, read other blog’s, and read comments on social media. The thing that annoys me is when people label Democrats and Republicans in certain derogatory categories such as communist or racist, respectively. This includes when people form sentences that have being “liberal” or “conservative” present in negative undertones. I get that politics seems sometimes to be a game of rhetoric, make the other guys/gals seem bad and make your guys/gals look good. But unless it is true, is it not productive.

Not every Democrat is a “die-hard” liberal, or a communist, or a “gun grabber.” Not every Republican is a racist, or a misogynist, or greedy.

Undesired stigma is unnecessary. The Democratic and Republican party are filled with a diverse people who have a variety of different beliefs. There are various degrees of liberalism and conservatism. Some people only consider themselves apart of a particular party for a specific issue area, and don’t even care for the others. Being a member of a political party does not mean that an individual believes in everything that party believes in, or takes to the extreme their general beliefs.

It would be far more productive to actually listen to what people and lawmakers have to say then to just make assumptions and demonize a specific group of people.

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